Bucay is a town located at the border of the Ecuadorian Coast and the Andes on the road from Guayaquil to Riobamba, only 99km. from Guayaquil the economical capital of Ecuador. Also called General Antonio Elizalde, it belongs to the General Antonio Elizalde Canton and the Guayas Province, Ecuador. It sits between 4 provinces Los Ríos, Bolívar, Chimborazo and Cañar separated by the Chimbo river. The climate is almost tropical it never goes under 20 °C but can reach 35°C, there is a Tropical Cloud Forest only 9 km. from the center town with a lot of Waterfalls, and ideal to practice Extreme Sports as Canyoning, Zip Line, Biking, Rafting, Kayak… You want to know more About Bucay Ecuador ?

About Bucay Ecuador

About Bucay Ecuador

The most important Festivities: July 16, are the festivities in honor of the Virgen del Carmen and November 9, anniversary of the creation of the Canton. About Bucay Ecuador

About Bucay Ecuador